Master Plan Goals

Chalet of San Marco Association
Master Project Plan Goals

Date:  10 March 2024
Version:  1.0
·      The goal of this Master Plan is to provide Owners with a broad outline of the strategic plans for maintaining, remediating, and improving the physical assets of the Chalet.

·      The plan is intended to be dynamic and reflect:
1.     Critical ongoing projects which have been planned, approved, funded, and in execution
     Projects for which preliminary scope has been established and initial funding approved to draft detailed design and planning plans which will then be reviewed by the Board for approval. 
     Projects that have had their initial scope defined and the effort begun to mature them into preliminary plans which can be submitted for approval and funding in the future
     Projects that have been proposed for possible actions in the future and are in the fact-finding and idea generation / feasibility phase.

·      This Master Plan is intended to evolve with changing circumstances, priorities, and unforeseen occurrences (e.g. response to natural disasters) and with the evolving fiscal realities, needs, and wishes of the Owners.