Maintenance & Remediation Project

Draft Plan [Click + to view document]

Chalet Building Maintenance & Remediation Project.
·      Perform the periodic (~ every 7 years) maintenance (cleaning, painting, waterproofing, sealing) that had been delayed by the pandemic.
·      Remediate the poured-in-place concrete structure of the Chalet to address problems that had built up over its 42+ year life span.
·      Prepare the building structure for recertification as required by FL Statute.
·      Replace the original integrated pre-cast concrete railing system with aluminum railings that meet current code for baluster spacing.
Background / Rationale:
·      Due to the Covid Pandemic, the periodic (about every 7 years) maintenance program (painting and structural flaw remediation) could not be performed.
·      The Towers condominium collapse in April 2023 led to new FL state law requiring condominium’s to be inspected for structural flaws and be recertified by 2025.
·      The Chalet Board reacted to the collapse be getting a quick inspection from a home inspection company which resulted in a report that incorrectly diagnosed minor flaws as dangerous.
·      The Chalet Board then engaged a reputable engineering company, TRC International, to conduct a thorough structural review.  This led to a report which recommended a major remediation and maintenance effort – including replacement of precast concrete railings with aluminum railings.
·      As the railing replacement essentially doubled the cost of the overall project and because the necessity of replacing the existing railings was not clear cut, a vote by Owners was conducted.  The railings replacement was approved by a narrow margin.  A special assessment of $40K / unit was approved.
·      6 Jan 23, the Board accepted the Spectrum Contracting bid and proposal.
·      19 Jan 23, the Board convened a Special Meeting to vote on a material change in the color of the new aluminum railings to bronze.  The vote was 36 in favor which fell short of the 46 votes needed for approval.  As a result, the railing color was to be white as were the original precast concrete railings.
·      20 Mar 23 Board Meeting Minutes
o   Vote of for the Chalet Change of Building Paint Color was: 37 yes votes, 22 no votes, 2 spoiled ballots. The vote did not meet the 46-vote threshold to pass.
·      The project work was begun in January 2023.
·      The progress has been documented in Field Reports provided by TRC and by periodic statements from the Board.
·      Owner votes were held to approve the color of the railings and the color of the building paint.
·      As of 1 March 2023, the majority of the project has been completed:
o   Existing railings have been removed.
o   Structural flaws have been remediated in the floor slabs caused by salt laden water penetration which caused the reinforcing steel bars to rust and subsequently swell and crack the concrete slab.
o   New aluminum railings have been installed in all but about 4 balconies on the E face.
o   Building painting and waterproofing is mostly complete but for retouching slab edges.
·      To be completed:
o   E side:  central v-balconies slabs to have cement curb installed at window/door wall.  Slabs to have tapered cement layer added to provide water drainage toward edges.   Central windows / window/door walls to be replaced with hurricane glass.
o   Repairs to porte cochere and roof mansard edge structures
·      See for more information
o   TRC Field Reports
o   Board Statements of Progress
·      This project is under the aegis of the Building Committee
·      Dave Puccio, member of the Board and the Building Committee has the project lead.
6 Jan 23
Board approved selection of Spectrum Contract
15 Jan 23
Project began
18 Mar 24
Slab remediation complete
Painting > 90% complete
Railings > 90% installed
            Remediation and Maintenance – Spectrum Contracting: ~$3.131 M
            Engineering Services – TRC International:  Unknown total; billed by hour.
·      Reserves: 
o   Concrete Structure:  $383K
o   Railings:  $79.8K
·      Special Assessment:  $3.618 M; $40,200 / Unit
·      See Chalet Concrete/Railings Report 21 March 2024
Version:  1.2    Last Updated:  21 March 2024

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