Technology Master Plan -- Draft


  • At the 28 February 2024 Board Meeting, Board Member Kevin Canavan, made the comment that the Board should develop and publish a Master Plan covering all the projects that were ongoing ore were in some stage of development and planning.
  • He said he felt his was important because he had been made aware of a number of rumors about the scope of various projects.

Technology Master Plan - DRAFT

Many sources of information have been gleaned to prepare the Master Plan — Draft

  • Minutes of Board Meetings
  • Minutes of Building Committee Meetings
  • Personal contemporaneous notes of Board and Committee Meetings
  • Personal discussions with key individuals

Technology Master Plan - Draft Purpose and Goals

Chalet of San Marco Association
Technology Master Plan

Date:  10 March 2024
Version:  1.0
·      The goal of this plan is to provide Owners with a broad outline of the strategic plans for maintaining, remediating, and improving the technology assets of the Chalet.
·      The plan is intended to be dynamic to reflect:
1.     critical ongoing projects which have been planned, approved, funded, and in execution
     projects for which preliminary scope has been established and initial funding approved for detailed design and planning plans to be drafted for approval
     projects that have had their initial scope defined and effort begun to mature them for approval and funding in the future
     projects that have been proposed for possible actions in the future.
·      The plan is intended to evolve with changing circumstances, priorities, and unforeseen occurrences (e.g. response to natural disasters) and with the evolving needs and wishes of the Owners.
Version:  1.0        Last Updated:  10 March 2024

Technology Master Plan Draftt [Click + to view document]

Chalet of San Marco Association
Technology Committee

Provide quality and current technology to meet the needs of the Owners, Board of Directors, managers and operators of the Chalet of San Marco to meet their needs for communications, facility operation and management, recreation, safety, security, and adherence to requirements established by statute and governing legal documents.
Vision Statement
All aspects of current technology, particularly in the realms of electronics and communications, will be explored and evaluated to select and implement those best able to achieve the Goal of a well-informed, open, community of Owners, Board, and managers and operators at the Chalet of San Marco with the desired outcome being to a cohesive and civil body enabled by the technology – not limited by it.  Emphasis will be placed on ease of use, simplicity, and facile access by all members of the community.
Key Technology Trusts
·      Update health and safety technology systems available to Chalet Owners and staff to better deal with health emergencies.
·      Prepare for cable contract renewal
o   Look for upgrade in network speed & throughput
o   Expanded wifi coverage in the building and on property
·      CondoControl (website & app):  Improve owner experience; exploit additional capabilities
·      Virtual Meetings:  Improve effectiveness of virtual meeting through better audio and video.
·      Mobile WIFI:  Improve wifi availability in common areas, on the grounds, and beachfront.
·      Open a continuing dialog with Owners to identify technology needs and priorities.
Provisional Objectives / Projects
The following have been identified as potential area for projects to be developed pending research, discussion, and Board and Owner comment.
1.     Exploit and better utilize the capabilities of CondoControl
2.     Investigate improving cable/internet service as current contract comes due for renewal.
3.     Improve health emergency response technology available in Chalet.
4.     Make virtual meetings much more effective through better audio and visual controls.
5.     Provide wifi for outdoor area and the beachfront
6.     Intra-Chalet Owners group communications; streamline; make easier to use; more flexible; less bothersome
7.     Provide improved webcam for Owner information, safety, and security.
8.     Exploit SMS technology to communicate with and among Owners on important matters.
9.     Explore an email system for the Chalet to conduct official business
10.  Provide support for Owner telecommunications
a.     FAQ
     Best practices
Version:  1.0        Last Updated:  10 March 2024

Health Emergency Response Technology Plan Draftt [Click + to view document]
Project:   Install Health Emergency Assistance Technology throughout the Chalet
·      Install relatively low-cost health emergency equipment throughout the Chalet to help assure the health and safety of residents.
Background / Rationale:
·      The demographics of Chalet Owners tends to have a higher incidence of health emergencies.
·      There is a broad range of technology that could be used to improve safe response.
·      Kevin Canavan, Chairman of the Technology Committee, through his position with the Nassau County NY Police Department has access to state-of-the-art best practices and technology for health emergency response.  His goal is to give
·      Emergency response kits to help clear obstructed airways have been secured and installed on each floor of the Chalet in the fire-hose cabinets.  Completed December 2023.
·     22Jun23 Board Minutes
o   Life Vac mask for breathing stoppages have been secured
o   Number of AED devices will be increased
·     2 Nov 23 Board Minutes
o   We have 3 ‘Life Vac’s’ available for the building locations to post being selected.
·      First phase is complete
·      Will respond to new opportunities as they occur
·      Kevin Canavan, Chair of the Technology Committee, leads this effort.
Jan 23                  Equipment installed at fire hose locations on each floor.
Cost:  $0
·      Reserves:  $0
·      Special Assessment:  $0
Version:  1.0        Last Updated:  10 March 2024
CondoControl Exploitation Plan Draftt [Click + to view document]
Project:   Exploit and better utilize the capabilities of CondoControl
·      Better exploit the capabilities of the CondoControl electronic information system to more effectively execute business at the Chalet
·      Use CondoControl to build a more open, civil, and mutually supportive community of owners.
Background / Rationale:
·      The Chalet selected the CondoControl software / app to meet FL statue requirements for an -arms-length electronics communications capability to meet openness, communication, record keeping requirements.
·      CondoControl offers a “boutique” of services that condominium boards can select for an associated fee.
·      The Chalet currently uses a small number of available services.
·      Training of Board Members, Committtee Members, and staff could improved the efficacy of use of current services.
·      Owner access to important documents in minimally met and needs to be improved.
·      Kevin Canavan is reviewing the current service contract.
·      He is in contact with the contractor to investigate the benefit and cost of other services.
·      Kevin Canavan, Chairman of the Technology Committee, leads the effort.
·      Pending plan development.
·      Unknown, pending service review and plan development
·      Reserves:  ?
·      Special Assessment:  Non envisioned.
Version:  1.0        Last Updated:  10 March 2024
Cable & Internet Service Provide Contract Renewal Plan Draftt [Click + to view document]
Project:   Renew cable and internet service provider contract.
·      Put a new cable and internet service provider contract in place.
·      Improve the service quality.
Background / Rationale:
·      Summit Cable is the current provider of tv cable and internet access to the Chalet.
·      Improvements sought:
o   Increased stability
o   Increased internet speed
o   Better wifi service to public space
o   Beach-front wifi service
·      Kevin Canavan has contacted Summit Cable and Comcast Cable, the two providers who service Marco Island to begin dialog in preparation for contract renewal.
·      Kevin Canavan, Chairman of the Technology Committee, is leading the effort with participation of Rich Cassata, Building Manager.
·      To be determined
·      Reserves:  NA
·      Special Assessment:  NA

Version:  1.0        Last Updated:  10 March 2024