
27 March 2024; Annual Organizational Meeting Scheduled for Friday 29 March at 0900
- Chalit Bylaws require that a newly elected Board hold an Organizational Meeting within 10 days of the election.
- The Organizational Meeting must
- Elect Board Members to the Offices of President, Vice President and Secretary
- Select a Treasurer
- Establish standing Committees
- Select Chairpersons for the Standing Committees
- Establish the focus and scope of each Standing Committee
- Establish the authority each Committee has to act for the Board without specific approvals
- Publish the Report of 3 to 6.
27 March 2024; Draft Chalet Master Plan (Working Papers) Provided to the new Board Members
- An updated set of Draft Project Plans were compiled into a comprehensive document and provided to all members of the new Board.
- These are Working Papers for the Board to review and potentially use as a model for a Living Master Plan and Budget.
- To enable the new Board time to review and act, the related webpages previously on this site have been taken down.
27 March 2024; Construction of Beach Walkway Deck Underway!
- Blue Marlin Contracting began construction of the beach walkway decking this morning.
- The longitudinal support beams are in place.
- The crossbeams at each set of support posts are almost all installed.
26 March 2024; E Atrium Balcony Slab Work — Much Noise!
27 March; That's Done — Bless the Quiet
27 March; That's Done — Bless the Quiet
- The loud oppressive noise heard throughout the building Monday & Tuesday is due to the use of jackhammers to make divots in the balcony slabs of the E central atrium balconies on the 05, 07, 09 floors.
- This is being done to improve the adhesion of the new cement being poured to create the needed slope from the building to the edge so rain water will not build up along the doorwalls.
- A cement curb is being installed.
- New Hurricane glass doorwalls will be installed on the curb — again to eliminate possibility of storm water penetration.
22 March 2024; Chalet Annual Membership Meeting — Elections
- The annual election was held to fill four Board seats.
- The voting was very tight. The winners ranged from 43 votes to 40 votes. The losers were 39 votes through 36 votes.
- Just over 80% of Owners voted.
- The four newly elected Board Members are:
- Alex Jowa
- Gail O’Connor
- Karen Simpson
- Brad Sova
22 March 2024; Beach Walkway - Update
- All of the support posts for the new walkway have been emplaced.
- Rain has helped compact the sand around the posts.
- Framing is to start on Wednesday.
- For more information see: Beach Walkway
21 March 2024; Draft Project Plan for Emergency Power Update Project posted.
- A first draft of a Project Plan to Update the Chalet Emergency Power System has been posted for review and comment.
- For more information see: Emergency Power Update Project
21 March 2024; Project Plan for Maintenance and Remediation Project Udated
- Chalet Treasurer, Lesley Cotter, posted a financial summary statement for this Project
- For more information see: Maintenance & Remediation Project
20 March 2024; List of replacement dates for Chalet facilities and equipment added.
- A list of Chalet facilities and equipment covered by the Reserves Study Update in 2022
- Items have been added sorted as a list of those elements needing attention soonest at the top.
- This list will be updated very soon as a result of the ongoing Sedgwick reanalysis for 2024.
- It does give an idea of what new projects might be needed in the near future.
See: Reserves Study
18 March 2024: Owner email Dialogues: all in one place and easy to read.
- The email Dialogue among Owners since 1 March 2024 concerning issues at the Chalet and the 22 March Board Election have been assembled in one easy to read thread.
- They are unedited and in the order of submission date and time.
- Most recent are at the top of the list.
See: All Emails
15 March 2024; Dialogue Begun Between Owners on Resource Priorities and Master Plan Projects
- A series of email exchanges via the Chalet Google Group has led to a good dialogue about important issues facing the Chalet
- To capture these dialogues for Owner evaluation and comparison a new section of this website has been created Dialogues
- For the dialogue on Master Plan and Priorities see: Master Plan
14 March 2024; Owner Vote for Gym Renovation Special Assessment
- A Special Membership Meeting was held Thursday March 14, 2024 @ 9am EST to vote on a proposed Special Assessment for renovating the Fitness Center / Gym
- The proposed Special Assessment of $1.5K / Unit Failed.
- The Vote was: 44 in favor; 19 opposed; A vote of 46 in favor is necessary to approve a Special Assessment.
- At the end of the meeting Owner, Dan Fox, made comments about the immediate need to replace non-functional equipment.
- For information on the proposed project: Fitness Center / Gym Dialogues: Gym