Reference / Useful Information
- This section of the website is intended to provide information relevant to living at the Chalet.
- Topics are added as they become central to ongoing activities, issues, and projects at the Chalet
- The goal is to provide factual and historical information to help Owners in the dialogues surrounding issues.
Loggerhead Turtles; Turtle Season; Laws & Regulations
- Loggerhead Turtles (an endangered species) and their nesting grounds on Marco Island
- Marco Island Ordinance 01-35 on Turtle Protection
- Annual Letter to Condominiums about Turtle Season
- Initial quotation for replacing outdoor lighting equipment at the Chalet
- Local newspaper article on revised Turtle Ordinance
When is Turtle Season?
- May 01 through October 31
What are the Regulations?
• All lights visible to the beach after 9 PM should be turned off, shielded, or otherwise modified between the dates of MAY 01 THROUGH OCTOBER 31.
• Outside lights that can not be turned off for safety reasons can be temporarily shielded with foil, hoods or painted with black heat resistant oven paint on the beach-facing side.
• Long wavelength Amber LED lights are less attractive to sea turtles and prevent disorientations. They are good replacements for yellow and white lights.
• Close blinds and curtains by 9 PM to shield bright interior lights that normally shine onto the beach.
• Outside wall and ceiling balcony lights should be off by 9 PM.
• The sea turtles need a beach free of any barriers that would prevent nesting. Beach furniture, toys, tents, any other equipment and all garbage should be removed from the beach EVERY night. If you see trash, pick it up and remove it from the beach.
• Keep your distance. If you witness a turtle crawling out of the ocean or digging a nest, remain quiet and at a distance and never stop a turtle that is returning to the water. Movements and noises can easily frighten a female sea turtle and prevent nesting. Using flash photography or a mobile phone camera can scare the nesting turtle and prevent her from nesting.
• After 9 PM, it is unlawful to use flashlights, flash photography, lantern, cell phone illumination or other sources of light on the beach. Never point a light source at sea turtle or illuminate a sea turtle nest. No fires or torches on the beach.
• Holes or trenches dug on the beach by beach-goers need to be filled in at the end of each day or by 9 PM. Adult sea turtles can get caught or disorientate and hatchlings get trapped in the holes or trenches, never making it to the Gulf. The holes are also safety hazards for beach goers, sea turtle monitors, and emergency response staff. Please fill in all holes when leaving the beach!
• Sea Turtle nests are monitored and posted on to the beach with stakes, flagging and signage. It is unlawful to enter the posted nest area or impact the posted nest area in any manner. A minimum of a 25-foot perimeter of no activity within should be given to the protected nest area.
• To report dead or injured sea turtles or disoriented hatchlings, please immediately call:
Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) 1-888-404-FWCC (3922)
Marco Island Sea Turtle Monitor, Mary Nelson, our “Turtle Lady 239-289-9736
If you need additional information or have any questions and/or comments, please contact the City of Marco Growth Management Department at 239-389-5000.
What are the Fines?
- $500 per incident
Important Information about Condominium Structures in Florida